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The official Official ActsElections of members of the Council, Regional and Specialist Commissions

Official Acts Posted on 2019-01-30 14:52:41

Elections of members of the Council, Regional and Specialist Commissions

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During the 86th General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) held from 20 to 25 May 2018, cycle elections were successfully conducted for members of the Council, the Bureaux of the Regional Commissions and of the Specialist Commissions. Of significant importance is the fact that members of the four Specialist Commissions were, for the first time, elected following the new selection process adopted by the Assembly the year before.

Following the independent evaluation by an evaluation committee of eligible applications received in response to a call for nominations, a list of candidates drawn up by the Council was placed at the disposal of the Delegates 60 days before the General Session. A finalised list of candidates for each region was then discussed at the meetings of the Regional Commissions and the Presidents presented the results the day prior to the elections.

The elections took place during the administrative session in a sequential manner for each position, primarily electronically and by show of hands when a unique candidate was proposed for a position. Newly-elected members will serve a term of three years and are eligible for re-election. The candidates who were not elected will be called upon to contribute their expertise through participation in ad hoc groups as required.

On the occasion of the elections, Dr Mark Schipp, who was elected as President of the Council, outlined three key areas around engagement and participation, transparency and strengthening the veterinary voice. These major pillars of work will serve for the development of the OIE Seventh Strategic Plan (2021–2025).

Members of the OIE Council

Bureaux of the Regional Commissions

Members of the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Code Commission)

Members of the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (Scientific Commission)

Members of the Biological Standards Commission

Members of the Aquatic Animals Health Standards Commission (Aquatic Animals Commission)

General organisation

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